Yes, to apply for a business or corporate account, just click on the Open REAL account button and select the Corporate option.
Then you must fill in the form that will appear with the company data.
Once you have completed your registration, you must upload the following documents to your client area:
- Certificate or minutes of incorporation.
- Proof of domicile in the company’s name showing its legal domicile (for example, the company’s legal registration).
- Proof of the commercial domicile of the company, in case it is different from the registered legal domicile.
- A copy of the shareholders’ register or a document showing the list of shareholders.
- A copy of the register of directors or a document showing the list of directors.
- Proof of identity of all directors and/or shareholders holding more than 10% of the ownership (send the documents in color).
- Bank statement or proof of basic services of the directors and shareholders (no more than 3 months old).
- Resolution of the board of directors or shareholders authorizing the creation of the trading account.
If your company is located in Europe, you will also need to provide the following additional documents:
- Articles of Association.
- Memorandum of Association.